Treating a excellent gentleman like a hero is my wish - 22

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 01:17 PM | 11 views

My top aim in life isnt to be a lawyer or veternarian or office manager but to find a serious guy that i can please and serve as a woman should please and serve her man. I want to suck himin the evening after dinner, while he eats a dinner i coᴑked for him, or even when he's stressed! I want to be the top good girl for the right man, and I feel like a man thats going to be that way and treat me right and give me the disipline i lack and deserve when im bad (like spanking me) is so crappy to find. if this sounds like you email me topeka.skipthegames,backpage escort trans,skip the games ks,asian massage parlor kansas city,escorts lawrence ma,escorts in lawrence kansas,escorts in manhattan kansas,massge parlors near me,massage parloes near me,nuru massage kansas city
  • Poster's age : 23
  • Mobile :
  • City : Lawrence
  • Location : Lawrence